Do You Need A Website

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internet of things

What are the advantages of the Internet?

Information, knowledge, and learning

The Internet contains an endless supply of knowledge and information that allows you to learn about almost any topic or question you may have. Using a search engine like Google, you can ask virtually any question and find a web page with an answer to and information about that question. There are also millions of videos on sites like You Tube explaining various topics, and online courses to help teach you about many different subjects.

Connectivity, communication, and sharing

In the past, it would take days and sometimes even months to receive a letter from someone else. Today, with the Internet, you can send an e-mail to anyone in the world and often have it delivered in less than a minute. Other forms of communication, such as chat and VOIP, also allow you to have instant communication with anyone in the world with video.

Online forums are also places where people who share common interests can connect and talk about what they enjoy, or ask questions of other experts in the field.

Address, mapping, and contact information

With the help of GPS technology, the Internet can help map and direct you to almost every place in the world. You can quickly route to your location or find businesses in your area that may sell or provide you with a service you need. Today’s search engines are also smart enough to know your location and help give you the most relevant searches for your area. For example, if you need a plumber and search for “plumber,” you’ll get a list of local plumbers in your area.

Banking, bills, and shopping

The Internet provides access to your bank account to view the balance, make transactions, and send money. Also, many services enable you to view and pay bills electronically.

Online shopping is another huge advantage of the Internet, giving people the ability to find products of interest and buy them without having to visit a store. The Internet provides easy access to compare prices between companies, and even see what others think about a product through online reviews to help make better purchasing decisions.

Selling and making money

If you are a business or want to sell products and services, the Internet is a perfect place to sell most goods. Because anyone in the world with Internet access can find your website, you have access to more potential customers than you ever could with a local retail store. The Internet is always on and always available, which means you have the potential of selling goods every day at all times. The Internet also gives businesses the ability to advertise their product or service to everyone in the world or specify an exact demographic they want to reach.

Collaboration, work from home, and access to a global workforce

The Internet is the perfect place to work with other people from around the world. Several online services help you work with people around the world, and with an almost instant communication, it can even make producing new products and services faster.

An Internet connection provides many people with the ability to work from home or have a virtual office. Today, many businesses allow their employees to work from home using their computers and Internet connection. Working from home can help save people money by not having to pay for child care, and save them money and time by eliminating the daily commute to and from work every day.

If you are a business that needs employees, many services online can give you access to people looking for a job all around the world. Being able to hire someone from another part of the country or world gives you access to a wider talent pool and may also be cheaper.

Donations and funding

With access to a much wider audience, anyone with an Internet connection can quickly donate to their favorite charity or help fund projects and ideas that interest them. Also, those looking for charity can find many online services that help make it easier to help donate or support their causes.


The Internet gives everyone access to an endless supply of entertainment, with access to watch videos, watch movies, listen to music, and even play games online.

Internet of Things

The Internet helps make devices in your home connected and smarter by giving them access to the Internet. For example, the Nest thermostat can connect to the Internet to help control the heating and cooling in your home. Also, once these devices are connected, they can be controlled remotely using your computer or smartphone. By connecting IoT (Internet of Things) devices to your home, it can become smarter and more efficient and help save energy, money, and time.

Cloud computing and cloud storage

The Internet connects your computers and Internet-enabled devices to cloud services, like cloud computing and cloud storage. With cloud computing, a device can have access to more powerful computers and even supercomputers to perform complex tasks while you or your business work on other tasks.

Cloud storage synchronizes data across any of your Internet-connected devices, so you have access to your files from anywhere. It makes backing up information easier, and safer — your data is securely stored in a professionally-maintained server. So, if you are using a cloud storage backup service and your home or office burned down, you would not lose all your valuable data.

10 reasons why your business needs a web site

Your business needs a great website design, there’s lots of good reasons…here’s 10:

1. Convenience for customers

Using the Internet to search for businesses and products is much easier and faster than any time in the past. Millions of searches are done everyday and it is commonplace for businesses to find their next supplier over the web.

2. Provides greater exposure
Your website will be visible to all your potential and current clients. You will no longer be tied to the limited geographic exposure of the golden pages or the phone book. Your customers in Ireland and all over the world, won’t need to visit your office or retail outlet to see example of what you offer nor will they need a brochure or other marketing materials posted to them.

3. Say so much more
You can say so much more on a website than you could in any print advertisement, brochure or TV/radio advertisement. There are no space restrictions or time restrictions on a website, so you can say as much as you want.

4. Inexpensive, effective advertising
Your customers will have a better knowledge of your products or services, as they are able to research your products or services in their own time, instead of having to rely on a furiously paced TV or radio ad to gather the information they need.

5. Fulfils your brand promise
With a professionally designed web site that is an extension of your brand, your site becomes part of the experience of doing business with you. A professional image online will separate you from the competition as the supplier of choice.

6. Saves money
You can save money on printing and postage costs for brochures, flyers, specials, newsletters, and other mailings. When it comes to advertising we can deliver guaranteed targeted visitors to your site with an Internet Marketing campaign.

7. Always available
Your website is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When you are unable to answer the phone, you can be sure that your website is available to answer your customers’ questions for you.

8. Saves time
The time that you would have spent on the phone answering customers’ questions can now be used to invest in growing your business.

9. Creates measurable results
A web site allows you to track the number of visits and where they came from, e.g. an online advert or search engine. It can record the number of enquiries or online sales in the case of an ecommerce site, thus producing a ratio of enquiries to visitors which gives the conversion rate. With this information you can take steps to improve this ratio and increase sales.

10. It is easier to test new ideas.
The web allows you the quickest medium for publishing new ideas. With a content management system attached to your site, you can create and publish new content within minutes at no cost. Within minutes new visitors to your site will tell you if your message is working or not. Additional tweaks to perfect your message can be carried out easily thus allowing you to test your ideas before committing to an expensive advertising campaign.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is an open-source website creation platform that is written in PHP and uses a MySQL database. In non-geek speak, it’s probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) in existence today.


WordPress Dashboard

WordPress Dashboard

What is a WordPress Website?

A WordPress website is any website that uses WordPress as its CMS (content management system). WordPress powers both the backend of the website (the interface where a user logs in to make changes or add new content) and the frontend (the visible part of the website that your visitors see on the web).

Here are just a few examples of the types of websites you can build with WordPress:

  • Blog – A blog is a special type of website devoted to sharing thoughts, photos, reviews, tutorials, recipes and so much more. Blogs usually display the most recently-published content first.
  • E-commerce website – An e-commerce website allows you to sell goods or services online and collect payment via an online payment system. You can download and install a WordPress e-commerce plugin to extend the default functionality of WordPress so you can have an online store on your website.
  • Business website – Many businesses will benefit from having an online presence in the form of their own website. If your business needs a website for customers to learn about your company and what you have to offer, WordPress is an excellent option. Customers can contact you, ask for a quote, schedule an appointment and much more.
  • Membership website – A membership website allows you to put content behind a paywall or an account login. To access pages or posts, users must login or pay for the content. WordPress can also handle membership websites with additional plugins.
  • Portfolio website – Show off your artwork, design skills and more with a portfolio website built on WordPress.
  • Forum website – A forum website can be a helpful place for users to ask questions or share advice. Believe it or not, many forum websites run on WordPress.
  • Event website – Hosting an event? WordPress makes it easy for you to share your event details and sell tickets.
  • E-learning website – Students can take online courses, track their progress, download resources and much more from an e-learning website. With a special kind of plugin called a WordPress LMS plugin, you can offer online courses from a WordPress website.
  • Wedding website – Share the details of your big day with a wedding website built on WordPress. With an array of WordPress wedding themes, you can get a website up quickly and easily.

What is Ecommerce?

Ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of money and data to execute these transactions. Ecommerce is often used to refer to the sale of physical products online, but it can also describe any kind of commercial transaction that is facilitated through the internet.

Whereas e-business refers to all aspects of operating an online business, ecommerce refers specifically to the transaction of goods and services.

The history of e-commerce begins with the first-ever online sale: on August 11, 1994, a man sold a CD by the band Sting to his friend through his website NetMarket, an American retail platform. This is the first example of a consumer purchasing a product from a business through the World Wide Web—or “e-commerce” as we commonly know it today.

Since then, ecommerce has evolved to make products easier to discover and purchase through online retailers and marketplaces.  Independent freelancers, small businesses, and large corporations have all benefited from ecommerce, which enables them to sell their goods and services at a scale that was not possible with traditional offline retail.

Global retail e-commerce sales are projected to reach 27 Trillion dollars by 2021.

Types of Ecommerce Models

There are four main types of ecommerce models that can describe almost every transaction that takes place between consumers and businesses.

1. Business to Consumer (B2C):
When a business sells a good or service to an individual consumer (e.g. You buy a pair of shoes from an online retailer).

2. Business to Business (B2B):
When a business sells a good or service to another business (e.g. A business sells software-as-a-service for other businesses to use)  

3. Consumer to Consumer (C2C):
When a consumer sells a good or service to another consumer (e.g. You sell your old furniture on eBay to another consumer).

4. Consumer to Business (C2B):
When a consumer sells their own products or services to a business or organization (e.g. An influencer offers exposure to their online audience in exchange for a fee, or a photographer licenses their photo for a business to use).

Examples of Ecommerce
Ecommerce can take on a variety of forms involving different transactional relationships between businesses and consumers, as well as different objects being exchanged as part of these transactions.

1. Retail:
The sale of a product by a business directly to a customer without any intermediary.

2. Wholesale:
The sale of products in bulk, often to a retailer that then sells them directly to consumers.

3. Dropshipping:
The sale of a product, which is manufactured and shipped to the consumer by a third party.

4. Crowdfunding:
The collection of money from consumers in advance of a product being available in order to raise the startup capital necessary to bring it to market.

5. Subscription:
The automatic recurring purchase of a product or service on a regular basis until the subscriber chooses to cancel.

6. Physical products:
Any tangible good that requires inventory to be replenished and orders to be physically shipped to customers as sales are made.

7. Digital products:
Downloadable digital goods, templates, and courses, or media that must be purchased for consumption or licensed for use.

8. Services:
A skill or set of skills provided in exchange for compensation. The service provider’s time can be purchased for a fee.